A-well stocked and well equipped school library is a frequent haunt of book lovers among the students. The school library has a very rich stock of books, dictionaries, magazines, journals and a wide collection of audio-video cassettes and CDs offering intellectual food to both the teachers and students. The school organizes book fairs to help the students develop their reading habits.
The Library is extremely well resourced and is catalogued and managed by a trained, professional librarian. It contains reference books and resources selected by each subject teacher to enhance understanding of their subject. Materials related to CBSE examinations are also located in the library so that students can access syllabuses and past papers. In addition, we subscribe to a wide range of periodicals and magazines which provide both intellectual stimulation and relaxation.
Our library also has a varied range of fiction in English and Hindi. These books cater to all age groups and reading levels and the Librarian guides students to books which might be best suited to their abilities and interests.
Students on every year group are given one timetabled lesson in the library each week for self-study and research. In addition the library is open every afternoon as a place for personal study or leisurely reading. This means that, for a number of students, the library has become the focus for their progress and development.
Our resources in the library are constantly reviewed and revised so that students have access to the very latest books and materials.